Just register here for a free trial membership and take advantage of the fall special offer for only 20€ from 1 of October til the end of year. Any Questions?
Just register here for a free trial membership and take advantage of the fall special offer for only 20€ from 1 of October til the end of year. Any Questions?
Are you looking for a job in the non-profit sector?
Are you recruiting staff for a development NGO, foundation, or educational institution?
Our professional network “Spinnen-Netz” provides information for both applicants and employers. We connect people who are searching with those who are already doing meaningful work.
Thanks to our long-standing contacts and network events that have been running for 18 years, we know key trends and the work culture in the non-profit sector. We match competent professionals with value-oriented and societally conscious employers.
We publish announcements for jobs and offers for freelance professionals, and we support employers in their recruiting process. We focus on the following thematic areas:
The following membership and user fees apply as of 01.01.2021:
For regular membership: 80,- € per year (incl. VAT of 19%)
For the regular membership of freelancers including the use of the freelancer pool: 80,- € per year plus 19% VAT = 95,20 €.
For dormant membership: 20,- € (incl. 19% VAT): This is to be applied for individually, in case someone is e.g. on parental leave/time off etc., but wants to keep the profile.
Are you looking for meaningful work, social shaping and involvement in a network of exciting people? Do you stand up for social and ecological justice and want to orient yourself professionally or are you looking for professional advice?
With us you will discover non-profit jobs and information about work with social impact at NGOs, foundations, think tanks and educational institutions or in the public sector. In particular, graduates from the social sciences, humanities, geography and agricultural sciences will find what they are looking for.
kostenfreie Telefon-Beratung bei Dr. Antje Schultheis Mi-Fr von 8:15-9:30: 0228-2998083