

Abbreviations that are common in our fields of work

ACP countries: African Caribbean Pacific States

Bengo: advisory service for NGOs from Germany in all phases of development policy project work (programme of Engagement Global)

BfN: Federal Agency for Nature Conservation

BIBB: Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training

BIPOC: Black, Indigenous, People of Colour

BMUV: Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection

BMZ: Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development

BNE: Education for Sustainable Development

BTE: Education meets development

CSR: Corporate Social Responsibility

CDR: Corporate Digital Responsibility

Climate Justice: The concept of climate justice strives to distribute the burdens and opportunities of man-made climate change in a globally equitable manner.

CMS: Content Management System

DIE: German Institute for Adult Education

DLR-PT Project Management Agency of DLR

IDOS: German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS former DIE) 

IKI Internationale Climate Initiative

EZ: Development Cooperation

FEB: Promotion of development education

FLINTA*  Women, lesbians, intersex, non-binary, trans and agender persons. The attached asterisk serves as a placeholder to include all non-binary gender identities.

GFK: non-violent communication

GNE: Society for Sustainable Development

GIZ: Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit

IZ: International Cooperation

HCD: Human Capacity Building

HuHi: Humanitarian Aus

LGBTQAI+  Lesbian, Gay, Bi, Trans, Queer, Asexuel und Intersexuel

LDC: least developed countries

MdB: Member of Parliament

NGO: Non governmental Organisation

NPO: Non Profit Organisation

NRO: Non-Governmental Organisation

OE: Organisational development (strategy development, change management)

OPAL: Assessment Center der GIZ

POC: People of Colour

PR: Public Relations

PME: Planning Monitoring Evaluation

SEO: Search Engine Optimisation

SDG: Sustainable Development Goals

SLE: Centre for Rural Development

VENRO: Association for Development Policy and Humanitarian Aid (NGO Association)

WASH: Water Sanitation & Hygiene

ZFD: Civil Peace Service