Success Stories

Job-Matchings within our network
  • Employee at Engagement Global (June 2024)
  • Lecture assignment for the AGdD (June 2024)
  • Scientific coordinator for a joint research project at the University of Bayreuth (June 2024)
  • 2 lecture assignments for the Hans Böckler Foundation (May 2024)
  • Project Assistant at Munich Volunteers - Wir helfen e.V. (April 2024)
  • Program Officer covering maternity leave at Global Policy Forum (March 2024)
  • Freelance Consulting Assignment (February 2024)
  • Programm Officer at Welthungerhilfe (February 2024)
  • Training Assignment for IDOS (January 2024)
  • Training Assignment, University of Wuppertal (January 2024)
  • Project Manager at Systopia (January 2024)
  • Editor at Kollaxo Market and Media GmbH (January 2024)
  • Traineeship at Malteser International (December 2023)
  • International Office, Bielefeld (December 2023)
  • Assignment in Office Management at a humanitarian NGO (November 2023)
  • Freelance Workshop Assignment for Fraunhofer Institute (October 2023)
  • Employee of sign of hope e.V. 
  • PR Specialist at the Arbeitskreis selbständiger Kultur-Institute e.V. - AsKI (Sept 2023)   
  • Position in the application & volunteer center of AsA e.V. Ausbildung statt Abschiebung (Aug 2023)
  • freelance speaker job at the dvv SprachLern-Portal (July 2023)
  • freelance job at the Bonner Energie Agentur (June 2023)
  • Job at Dienste in Übersee in Sierra Leone (May 2023)
  • Data Analyst at Hoffnungszeichen e.V. (April 2023)
  • Training assignment on intersectionality for the Friedrich Ebert Foundation (March 2023)
  • Management consultant at Systopia (February 2023)
  • Editorial assignment Landleben e.V. - (January 2023)
  • Assistant position at Sequa (Jan 2023)
  • Training assignment at IDOS (Dec 2022)
  • Lecturer position in the China program at Stiftung Asienhaus (Dec 2022)
  • Training assignment for IDOS (Dec 2022)
  • Lecture for the Alexander-von-Humboldt-Foundation (Nov 2022)
  • Project Officer at FEMNET (Nov 2022)
  • Project Officerat IJGD (Nov 2022)
  • Training assignment for Universität Leipzig (Oct 2022)
  • Project Officer at Urgewald (Oct 2022)
  • Projekt Manager at Stiftung Mercator (Oct 2022)
  • Cooperation contract for trainer association in Hamburg (Sept. 2022)
  • Project Officer at Caritas International (Sept 2022)
  • Managing technical advisor at LAG Mädchen*arbeit NRW (August 2022)
  • Consulting of a socio-ecological housing project (August 2022)
  • Evaluation Mission at Engagement Global (July 2022)
  • Training assignment for German Doctors (April 2022)
  • Free contract for Welthungerhilfe (March 2022)
  • Project Manager at Systopia (Febr 2022)
  • Science Communication Office at the ISOE (Jan 2022)
  • Project staff position at the Global Nature Fund (De 2021)
  • Training assignment for Universität Jena (Dec 2021)
  • Project Officer at Forum ZFD (Dec 2021)
  • Training assignment for Universität Rostock (Nov 2021)
  • Training assignment for International Office Bonn (Nov 2021)
  • Speaker FIJ (joint initiative of the umbrella organizations AKLHÜ e.V., Evangelische Freiwilligendienste und dem Katholischen Verbund internationaler Freiwilligendienste) (October 2021)
  • Project Officer at Bundesamt für Naturschutz (Oct2021)
  • Consultant for a parent empowerment project with refugees. (Sept 2021)
  • Project Officer at Hochschulrektorenkonferenz (August 2021)
  • Project Officer at Tropenwald OroVerde - die Tropenwaldstiftung (July 2021)
  • Internship bei Systopia (June 2021)
  • Human Rights Due Diligence in Supply Chains Project Manager Position beim BeN - Bremer entwicklungspolitisches Netzwerk e.V. (May 2021)
  • Project Manager at Stiftung-Entwicklungszusammenarbeit Baden-Württemberg (April 2021)
  • Position as consultant at BENGO Engagement Global gGmbH (March 2021)
  • Position as Project Manager Agriculture and Food Policyat the Welthungerhilfe (Febr 2021)
  • Position beim Forum ZFD (Jan 2021)
  • Position as Consultant bei BENGO bei Engagement Global gGmbH (Jan 2021)
  • Consulting order for IFOAM (Dec 2020)
  • Project assistant at German Doctors (Nov 2020)
  • Education Officer International Rescue Committee (Nov 2020)
  • Free expert order for  TERRE DES FEMMES (Oct 2020)
  • Fee order for the DVV International (Oct. 2020)
  • Project Coordination Engagement Global gGmbH (Sept. 2020)
  • Project manager at Systopia (August 2020)
  • Website development and conception (July 2020)
  • Position at SKEW from Engagement Global (gGmbH) (June 2020)
  • Communication office at the Global Policy Forum (May 2020)
  • Position in the personnel department at Engagement Global (gGmbH) (May 2020)
  • Management office at the SOLAWI (March 2020)
  • Project management position at Engagement Global (SKEW) (Febr2020)
  • Speaker position at Help e.V. (Febr 2020)
  • Fee order for the Hans-Böckler-Stiftung (Febr 2020)
  • Project coordinator at Engagement Global (SKEW/Klimapartnerschaften) (January 2020)
  • free order at the DVV (January 2020)
  • scientific officer position at the Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung (Nov 2019)
  • Project Management Basic Development Program AGL Eine Welt-Landesnetzwerke (Oct 2019)
  • Employee position at ASA (Ausbildung statt Abschiebung)
  • freelancer at the Stiftung Umwelt und Entwicklung (Aug 2019)
  • Project management position at Engagement Global gGmbH (July 2019)
  • Training assignment for Gemeinwohlbilanz (June 2019)
  • Program officar at der Alexander-von Humboldtstiftung (June 2019)
  • Project coordination office at Engagement Global (May 2019)
  • Fundraisingstelle bei FEMNET (April 2019)
  • free fee order for the Rosa-Luxemburgstiftung (March 2019)
  • Project Coordinator Engagement Global gGmbH (February 2019)
  • Project Manager at ADFC in Bonn (2019)
  • Employees as short-term substitutes for Engagement Global gGmbH (Dec 2018)
  • Project employee at Experiment e.V. (Nov 2018)
  • Application consultant at Cit, provider of platforms for the creation of online forms (Nov 2018)
  • Employee position at the Kindernothilfe (Oct 2018)
  • Evaluation order at Engagement Global (Oct 2018)
  • Project employee at Systopia (Sept 2018)
  • Position at the Deutschen Volkshochschulverband DVV (August 2018)
  • Position at the International Committee for Refugees (July 2018)
  • Consultant position bei der GIZ (June 2018)
  • Training assignment for Fachhochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg (May 2018)
  • free fee orders for the Deutschen Volkshochschulverband (April 2018)
  • Lectures for Hans Böckler Stiftung (March 2018)
  • Consultant position at GIZ (February 2018)
  • Website editing job (January 2018) 
  • Training assignment for Hochschule Kleve (Jan 2018)
  • Coaching process order (Dec 2017)
  • Website relaunch order (Dec 2017)
  • Employment with Engagement Global  (Nov 2017)
  • Commissioned by the DAAD for a workshop with Syrian refugees in Bonn (Oct 2017)
  • Order for the Institut für ländliche Strukturforschung (Oct 2017)
  • Seminar design for the Konkreten Friedensdienst (Sept 2017)
  • Process facilitator of the EIRENE programs for peace and development (Sept 2017)
  • Order in Frauenbildungs- und Tagungshaus Zülpich (Aug 2017)
  • Deputy Head of the Department of Culture and Tourism of the Stadt Lörrach (June 2017)
  • Graphic design order (May 2017)
  • Coaching order (April 2017)
  • Team Consulting order (March2017)
  • Fotoshooting order (February 2017)
  • Website relaunch order (Nov 2016)
  • Speaker position at EIRENE Internationaler Christlicher Friedensdienst (October 2016)
  • Postdoc-position at BICC (September 2016)
  • PhD position beim BICC (August 2016)
  • Job at Latin America Network: LAZ (July 2016)
  • Consulting assignment - appearance competence training (June 2016)
  • PhD position beim BICC (May 2016)
  • Coordinator Bonn Sustainability Portal/ EADI (April 2016)
  • Position at Amnesty International in Düsseldorf (April 2016)
  • Collaboration Internal and external communication in the BAMF (March 2016)
  • Executive Assistant bei EADi (February 2016)
  • Education officer in the promotion of sustainable jobs at FAL e.V/Europäische Bildungsstätte (January 2016)
  • Employee in the Haus der Geschichte (Dec 2015)
  • Public Relations Officer at the Latin America Center (October 2015)
  • Online editor at the NaBu (Sept 2015)
  • Mediation of a training assignment at the Leuphane Universität Lüneburg  ( August 2015)
  • Website programming order from Bonn network Weltoffen (July 2015)
  • CIM-position in Vietnam (June 2015)
  • Mediation of a training order for the WILA Bonn (May 2015)
  • PR/ Journalism order pool for the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (April 2015)
  • Fee assignment - expert contribution in the context of a training - für die Hans-Böckler-Stiftung (March 2015)
  • Position at Litprom (February 2015)
  • Position at Universtität in Jena (January 2015)
  • Coordination assistance for campaign "My Agriculture" at the Forum Umwelt und Entwicklung (Dec 2014)
  • Organizational management GRÜNE JUGEND NRW (Nov 2014)
  • Project Manger at OrVerde (October 2014)
  • Assistant to an association office in Düsseldorf (September 2014)
  • Project employee at Medica Mondiale (August 2014)
  • EU Project Officer at FINEP Berlin (July 2014)
  • Position at the Universität Köln (June 2014)
  • Lectureship at the Fachhochschule Brühl
  • Social Media Manager at Aktion Deutschland hilft
  • freelance work for a market and media agency
  • PhD coaching
  • Universität Bonn; Honorary contract in the acquisition of new research funds
  • managing director bei Lobby Control 
  • Speaker position at UNESCO 
  • Empoyee at Engagement Global (gGmbH) 
  • Internship at der Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)
  • Successful funding application for project "Learning site for urban gardening "
  • Project Officer bei Femnet 
  • Collaboration at Kollaxo Agentur für Markt und Medienkonzepte 
  • Train the Trainer - order for international conference of urgewald 
  • Weed - Collaboration
  • Scientific collaboration Universität Wien 
  • Collaboration at Femnet e.V.
  • Fee order for SID Bonn 
  • Passing on the temporary activity at the "Society for International Development" within the framework of the preparation of gleanings
  • -Translation order
  • Moderation assignment at the Cologne University of Applied Sciences Institute for Technology & Resource Management
  • GIZ Junior Specialist Position
  • Global Policy Forum: Auxiliary position
  • 3 Fee contracts at Engagement Global: Event management and PR work
  • Position in public relations in the SPRINT project at the Diakonie Wuppertal
  • Author order for the Wissenschaftsladen Bonn 
  • service center Engagement Global 
  • Sporadic temporary work at the "Society for International Development" in the context of the preparation of gleanings
  • Assistance with Bundesministerium für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung 
  • Author order for the Wissenschaftsladen Bonn „arbeitsmarkt“ 
  • Assistance with MediaCompany - Agentur für Kommunikation GmbH 
  • Collaboration at as-empowerment 
  • Work order for website conception and design
  • Conference Assistance
  • Fee contract for the Spinnen-Netz 
  • Author order for the labor market of the Wissenschaftsladen Bonn 
  • Scientific project order for the Fachhochschule Bad Honnef 
  • Moderation order
  • Marketing contract for the campaign for Saubere Kleidung-Discounter AG 
  • Project officer at the Stiftung für Umwelt und Entwicklung 
  • Moderation contract Bündnis 90/Die Grünen 
  • position at FEMNET e.V. 
  • Author order for the labor market of the Bonn 
  • Fee contract for Germanwatch 
  • Position at the agency eco-consult in Frankfurt 
  • Position at the agency in Frankfurt 
  • Resarch associate at Bundestag 
  • Position at NGO Opportunity International in Köln 
  • Position at European Migration Network in Luxemburg 
  • Parental leave substitution as employee with member of the Bundestag in Berlin
  • Honorary lecturers in environmental education at Freilandlabor Britz 
  • Fee order with the Welthungerhilfe (Bonn) 
  • ZALF in Müncheberg (bei Berlin): Phd position on climate change in Tanzania
  • Transcription order for the SOFI in Göttingen 
  • Position at Deutsch-Brasilianischen-Gesellschaft 
  • Lecture at Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung 
  • Research assignment on a fee basis in the context of public relations at the Welthungerhilfe 
  • Position at COMO Consulting in HH 
  • Job at development consulting agency Geomedia - Bonn 
  • 2 temporary assistants at CampaignOnline - Lüneburg - 
  • Seminar management for the program "Kulturweit" of the Auswärtige Amt 
  • Lectureship at the Universität in Siegen "cultural diversity" 
  • Fee order for literature research and editorial revision
  • Lectorate order
  • Seminar management for InWent 
  • Full-time position at the Welthungerhilfe in Bonn 
  • Project assistance and teaching at the Deutsch-Mobil in Frankreich / Robert-Bosch-Stiftung 
  • Fee order: Lecture to Corporate Social Responsibility 
  • Study on special economic zones for the Global Policy Forum 
  • Glean producer for development policy expert talks at SID 
  • Translation order
  • Lectureship at the Akademie für Internationale Bildung (AIB) 
  • Study for the Ministry of Development (BMZ) zum Thema Aids & Afrika - Bonn
  • Junior Professional at GTZ (Gesellschaft für technische Zusammenarbeit) - Bonn
  • Conference organization at the Forum Umwelt & Entwicklung (temporary permanent position)
  • Nordrheinwestfälische Stiftung für Umwelt und Entwicklung (stud. Hilfskraft)
  • Tourguide at UN in New York
  • Transparency International (Internship) - Berlin
  • Editorial revision for the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung (Work order)-
  • Trade policy study for Germanwatch (Work order)- Bonn
  • Office at the network office Dresden of the Netzwerks Demokratie und Courage
  • resarch associate at member of the Bundestag (MdB) - Berlin
  • Interpreting order about the Welthungerhilfe - Bonn
  • PR position in the campaign „Gerechtigkeit Jetzt!“ - Bonn
  • Institut für internationale Zusammenarbeit des deutschen Volkshochschulverbands
  • Mc Planet – Conference Assistance - Berlin
  • Conference Assistance Forum Umwelt & Entwicklung (Internship) - Bonn
  • Linguistic editorial assignment - Bonn
  • Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit in Bangladesh (Internship)
  • Editorial work for an internet editorial program of the GTZ 
  • Campaigner position at Oxfam - Berlin
  • Various translation jobs: such as whisper translation for an international conference
  • Word order at gender CC - women jor climate justice - Berlin
  • Freie Universität Berlin: DFG project in the field of medical anthropology in South Africa
  • Quality manager at ICJA Freiwilligenaustausch weltweit e.V.