Job-Matchings within our network
Employee at Engagement Global (June 2024)
Lecture assignment for the AGdD (June 2024)
Scientific coordinator for a joint research project at the University of Bayreuth (June 2024)
2 lecture assignments for the Hans Böckler Foundation (May 2024)
Project Assistant at Munich Volunteers - Wir helfen e.V. (April 2024)
Program Officer covering maternity leave at Global Policy Forum (March 2024)
Freelance Consulting Assignment (February 2024)
Programm Officer at Welthungerhilfe (February 2024)
Training Assignment for IDOS (January 2024)
Training Assignment, University of Wuppertal (January 2024)
Project Manager at Systopia (January 2024)
Editor at Kollaxo Market and Media GmbH (January 2024)
Traineeship at Malteser International (December 2023)
International Office, Bielefeld (December 2023)
Assignment in Office Management at a humanitarian NGO (November 2023)
Freelance Workshop Assignment for Fraunhofer Institute (October 2023)
Employee of sign of hope e.V.
PR Specialist at the Arbeitskreis selbständiger Kultur-Institute e.V. - AsKI (Sept 2023)
Position in the application & volunteer center of AsA e.V. Ausbildung statt Abschiebung (Aug 2023)
freelance speaker job at the dvv SprachLern-Portal (July 2023)
freelance job at the Bonner Energie Agentur (June 2023)
Job at Dienste in Übersee in Sierra Leone (May 2023)
Data Analyst at Hoffnungszeichen e.V. (April 2023)
Training assignment on intersectionality for the Friedrich Ebert Foundation (March 2023)
Management consultant at Systopia (February 2023)
Editorial assignment Landleben e.V. - (January 2023)
Assistant position at Sequa (Jan 2023)
Training assignment at IDOS (Dec 2022)
Lecturer position in the China program at Stiftung Asienhaus (Dec 2022)
Training assignment for IDOS (Dec 2022)
Lecture for the Alexander-von-Humboldt-Foundation (Nov 2022)
Project Officer at FEMNET (Nov 2022)
Project Officerat IJGD (Nov 2022)
Training assignment for Universität Leipzig (Oct 2022)
Project Officer at Urgewald (Oct 2022)
Projekt Manager at Stiftung Mercator (Oct 2022)
Cooperation contract for trainer association in Hamburg (Sept. 2022)
Project Officer at Caritas International (Sept 2022)
Managing technical advisor at LAG Mädchen*arbeit NRW (August 2022)
Consulting of a socio-ecological housing project (August 2022)
Evaluation Mission at Engagement Global (July 2022)
Training assignment for German Doctors (April 2022)
Free contract for Welthungerhilfe (March 2022)
Project Manager at Systopia (Febr 2022)
Science Communication Office at the ISOE (Jan 2022)
Project staff position at the Global Nature Fund (De 2021)
Training assignment for Universität Jena (Dec 2021)
Project Officer at Forum ZFD (Dec 2021)
Training assignment for Universität Rostock (Nov 2021)
Training assignment for International Office Bonn (Nov 2021)
Speaker FIJ (joint initiative of the umbrella organizations AKLHÜ e.V., Evangelische Freiwilligendienste und dem Katholischen Verbund internationaler Freiwilligendienste) (October 2021)
Project Officer at Bundesamt für Naturschutz (Oct2021)
Consultant for a parent empowerment project with refugees. (Sept 2021)
Project Officer at Hochschulrektorenkonferenz (August 2021)
Project Officer at Tropenwald OroVerde - die Tropenwaldstiftung (July 2021)
Internship bei Systopia (June 2021)
Human Rights Due Diligence in Supply Chains Project Manager Position beim BeN - Bremer entwicklungspolitisches Netzwerk e.V. (May 2021)
Project Manager at Stiftung-Entwicklungszusammenarbeit Baden-Württemberg (April 2021)
Position as consultant at BENGO Engagement Global gGmbH (March 2021)
Position as Project Manager Agriculture and Food Policyat the Welthungerhilfe (Febr 2021)
Position beim Forum ZFD (Jan 2021)
Position as Consultant bei BENGO bei Engagement Global gGmbH (Jan 2021)
Consulting order for IFOAM (Dec 2020)
Project assistant at German Doctors (Nov 2020)
Education Officer International Rescue Committee (Nov 2020)
Free expert order for TERRE DES FEMMES (Oct 2020)
Fee order for the DVV International (Oct. 2020)
Project Coordination Engagement Global gGmbH (Sept. 2020)
Project manager at Systopia (August 2020)
Website development and conception (July 2020)
Position at SKEW from Engagement Global (gGmbH) (June 2020)
Communication office at the Global Policy Forum (May 2020)
Position in the personnel department at Engagement Global (gGmbH) (May 2020)
Management office at the SOLAWI (March 2020)
Project management position at Engagement Global (SKEW) (Febr2020)
Speaker position at Help e.V. (Febr 2020)
Fee order for the Hans-Böckler-Stiftung (Febr 2020)
Project coordinator at Engagement Global (SKEW/Klimapartnerschaften) (January 2020)
free order at the DVV (January 2020)
scientific officer position at the Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung (Nov 2019)
Project Management Basic Development Program AGL Eine Welt-Landesnetzwerke (Oct 2019)
Employee position at ASA (Ausbildung statt Abschiebung)
freelancer at the Stiftung Umwelt und Entwicklung (Aug 2019)
Project management position at Engagement Global gGmbH (July 2019)
Training assignment for Gemeinwohlbilanz (June 2019)
Program officar at der Alexander-von Humboldtstiftung (June 2019)
Project coordination office at Engagement Global (May 2019)
Fundraisingstelle bei FEMNET (April 2019)
free fee order for the Rosa-Luxemburgstiftung (March 2019)
Project Coordinator Engagement Global gGmbH (February 2019)
Project Manager at ADFC in Bonn (2019)
Employees as short-term substitutes for Engagement Global gGmbH (Dec 2018)
Project employee at Experiment e.V. (Nov 2018)
Application consultant at Cit, provider of platforms for the creation of online forms (Nov 2018)
Employee position at the Kindernothilfe (Oct 2018)
Evaluation order at Engagement Global (Oct 2018)
Project employee at Systopia (Sept 2018)
Position at the Deutschen Volkshochschulverband DVV (August 2018)
Position at the International Committee for Refugees (July 2018)
Consultant position bei der GIZ (June 2018)
Training assignment for Fachhochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg (May 2018)
free fee orders for the Deutschen Volkshochschulverband (April 2018)
Lectures for Hans Böckler Stiftung (March 2018)
Consultant position at GIZ (February 2018)
Website editing job (January 2018)
Training assignment for Hochschule Kleve (Jan 2018)
Coaching process order (Dec 2017)
Website relaunch order (Dec 2017)
Employment with Engagement Global (Nov 2017)
Commissioned by the DAAD for a workshop with Syrian refugees in Bonn (Oct 2017)
Order for the Institut für ländliche Strukturforschung (Oct 2017)
Seminar design for the Konkreten Friedensdienst (Sept 2017)
Process facilitator of the EIRENE programs for peace and development (Sept 2017)
Order in Frauenbildungs- und Tagungshaus Zülpich (Aug 2017)
Deputy Head of the Department of Culture and Tourism of the Stadt Lörrach (June 2017)
Graphic design order (May 2017)
Coaching order (April 2017)
Team Consulting order (March2017)
Fotoshooting order (February 2017)
Website relaunch order (Nov 2016)
Speaker position at EIRENE Internationaler Christlicher Friedensdienst (October 2016)
Postdoc-position at BICC (September 2016)
PhD position beim BICC (August 2016)
Job at Latin America Network: LAZ (July 2016)
Consulting assignment - appearance competence training (June 2016)
PhD position beim BICC (May 2016)
Coordinator Bonn Sustainability Portal/ EADI (April 2016)
Position at Amnesty International in Düsseldorf (April 2016)
Collaboration Internal and external communication in the BAMF (March 2016)
Executive Assistant bei EADi (February 2016)
Education officer in the promotion of sustainable jobs at FAL e.V/Europäische Bildungsstätte (January 2016)
Employee in the Haus der Geschichte (Dec 2015)
Public Relations Officer at the Latin America Center (October 2015)
Online editor at the NaBu (Sept 2015)
Mediation of a training assignment at the Leuphane Universität Lüneburg ( August 2015)
Website programming order from Bonn network Weltoffen (July 2015)
CIM-position in Vietnam (June 2015)
Mediation of a training order for the WILA Bonn (May 2015)
PR/ Journalism order pool for the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (April 2015)
Fee assignment - expert contribution in the context of a training - für die Hans-Böckler-Stiftung (March 2015)
Position at Litprom (February 2015)
Position at Universtität in Jena (January 2015)
Coordination assistance for campaign "My Agriculture" at the Forum Umwelt und Entwicklung (Dec 2014)
Organizational management GRÜNE JUGEND NRW (Nov 2014)
Project Manger at OrVerde (October 2014)
Assistant to an association office in Düsseldorf (September 2014)
Project employee at Medica Mondiale (August 2014)
EU Project Officer at FINEP Berlin (July 2014)
Position at the Universität Köln (June 2014)
Lectureship at the Fachhochschule Brühl
Social Media Manager at Aktion Deutschland hilft
freelance work for a market and media agency
PhD coaching
Universität Bonn; Honorary contract in the acquisition of new research funds
managing director bei Lobby Control
Speaker position at UNESCO
Empoyee at Engagement Global (gGmbH)
Internship at der Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)
Successful funding application for project "Learning site for urban gardening "
Project Officer bei Femnet
Collaboration at Kollaxo Agentur für Markt und Medienkonzepte
Train the Trainer - order for international conference of urgewald
Weed - Collaboration
Scientific collaboration Universität Wien
Collaboration at Femnet e.V.
Fee order for SID Bonn
Passing on the temporary activity at the "Society for International Development" within the framework of the preparation of gleanings
-Translation order
Moderation assignment at the Cologne University of Applied Sciences Institute for Technology & Resource Management
GIZ Junior Specialist Position
Global Policy Forum: Auxiliary position
3 Fee contracts at Engagement Global: Event management and PR work
Position in public relations in the SPRINT project at the Diakonie Wuppertal
Author order for the Wissenschaftsladen Bonn
service center Engagement Global
Sporadic temporary work at the "Society for International Development" in the context of the preparation of gleanings
Assistance with Bundesministerium für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung
Author order for the Wissenschaftsladen Bonn „arbeitsmarkt“
Assistance with MediaCompany - Agentur für Kommunikation GmbH
Collaboration at as-empowerment
Work order for website conception and design
Conference Assistance
Fee contract for the Spinnen-Netz
Author order for the labor market of the Wissenschaftsladen Bonn
Scientific project order for the Fachhochschule Bad Honnef
Moderation order
Marketing contract for the campaign for Saubere Kleidung-Discounter AG
Project officer at the Stiftung für Umwelt und Entwicklung
Moderation contract Bündnis 90/Die Grünen
position at FEMNET e.V.
Author order for the labor market of the Bonn
Fee contract for Germanwatch
Position at the agency eco-consult in Frankfurt
Position at the agency www.eco-consult.com in Frankfurt
Resarch associate at Bundestag
Position at NGO Opportunity International in Köln
Position at European Migration Network in Luxemburg
Parental leave substitution as employee with member of the Bundestag in Berlin
Honorary lecturers in environmental education at Freilandlabor Britz
Fee order with the Welthungerhilfe (Bonn)
ZALF in Müncheberg (bei Berlin): Phd position on climate change in Tanzania
Transcription order for the SOFI in Göttingen
Position at Deutsch-Brasilianischen-Gesellschaft
Lecture at Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung
Research assignment on a fee basis in the context of public relations at the Welthungerhilfe
Position at COMO Consulting in HH
Job at development consulting agency Geomedia - Bonn
2 temporary assistants at CampaignOnline - Lüneburg - www.campaign-online.de
Seminar management for the program "Kulturweit" of the Auswärtige Amt
Lectureship at the Universität in Siegen "cultural diversity"
Fee order for literature research and editorial revision
Lectorate order
Seminar management for InWent
Full-time position at the Welthungerhilfe in Bonn
Project assistance and teaching at the Deutsch-Mobil in Frankreich / Robert-Bosch-Stiftung
Fee order: Lecture to Corporate Social Responsibility
Study on special economic zones for the Global Policy Forum
Glean producer for development policy expert talks at SID
Translation order
Lectureship at the Akademie für Internationale Bildung (AIB)
Study for the Ministry of Development (BMZ) zum Thema Aids & Afrika - Bonn
Junior Professional at GTZ (Gesellschaft für technische Zusammenarbeit) - Bonn
Conference organization at the Forum Umwelt & Entwicklung (temporary permanent position)
Nordrheinwestfälische Stiftung für Umwelt und Entwicklung (stud. Hilfskraft)
Tourguide at UN in New York
Transparency International (Internship) - Berlin
Editorial revision for the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung (Work order)-
Trade policy study for Germanwatch (Work order)- Bonn
Office at the network office Dresden of the Netzwerks Demokratie und Courage
resarch associate at member of the Bundestag (MdB) - Berlin
Interpreting order about the Welthungerhilfe - Bonn
PR position in the campaign „Gerechtigkeit Jetzt!“ - Bonn
Institut für internationale Zusammenarbeit des deutschen Volkshochschulverbands
Mc Planet – Conference Assistance - Berlin
Conference Assistance Forum Umwelt & Entwicklung (Internship) - Bonn
Linguistic editorial assignment - Bonn
Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit in Bangladesh (Internship)
Editorial work for an internet editorial program of the GTZ
Campaigner position at Oxfam - Berlin
Various translation jobs: such as whisper translation for an international conference
Word order at gender CC - women jor climate justice - Berlin
Freie Universität Berlin: DFG project in the field of medical anthropology in South Africa
Quality manager at ICJA Freiwilligenaustausch weltweit e.V.