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Just register here for a free trial membership. Any Questions?
Are you looking for a meaningful job in a NGO, foundation, educational institution or in the public sector? And you are interested in working in one of the following fields?
Development Cooperation I Sustainability & Climate Protection I Displacement, Migration & Integration I Intercultural Education & Science I Design of Society & Civic Participation
In our job portal, you can search for job offers according to your interests.
The special feature: If you see this network job icon "N"....
... then look in the comment field to see who is named as the contact person. These are members or network partners who work for the organisation posting the job or have background knowledge about the employer. Then you can contact the member directly via the message function in our portal!
Referent:in für Öffentlichkeitsarbeit Ort: Berlin Arbeitgebende Organisation: LobbyControl
Initiativbewerbung Ort: Berlin Arbeitgebende Organisation: German Water Partnership
Referent:in Projektfinanzen Ort: Bonn Arbeitgebende Organisation: Aktion Deutschland Hilft
Teamleitung KIWI-Projekt Ort: Bonn Arbeitgebende Organisation: CARE Deutschland
Referent:in MEAL Ort: Bonn Arbeitgebende Organisation: CARE Deutschland
Studentische Hilfskraft im Büro des Vorstandes und Verwaltungsrates Ort: Bonn Arbeitgebende Organisation: CARE Deutschland
zwei Postdoc-Stellen - Zukünfte der Migration (FuturMig) Ort: Osnabrück Arbeitgebende Organisation: Institut für Migrationsforschung und Interkulturelle Studien (IMIS)